The Industrial Emissions Directive is the EU's primary tool for controlling air and water emissions from industrial installations. Other EU legislation is also important, including the Air Quality Package, the Ambient Air Quality Directive, and a new proposal for regulation on mercury.
Why it’s important
Under the Industrial Emissions Directive, the EU has defined “best available techniques” (BAT) for production and preventing pollution in the non-ferrous metals sector (see the non-ferrous metals "BREF").
The EU's legally binding BAT conclusions, newly published in June 2016, are the basis for permitting and controlling non-ferrous metals installations in Europe.
Governments and permit authorities can refer to other air quality instruments when defining stricter emissions limits, or pollutants not considered within the non-ferrous metal BAT conclusions.
metals groups in the non-ferrous metals "BREF"
What we are seeking
We’re calling for:
- Full recognition of the non-ferrous metals BAT conclusions, and their associated emissions values (AELs)
- Specific attention for sulphuric acid production in non-ferrous metals plants (separate from common waste gases in the chemical sector)
- An improved methodology for deriving BAT-AELs within the so-called “Seville Process”
Eurometaux works together with several other sectors in the Industrial Emissions Alliance.