EU Generalised Scheme of Preference


In the second quarter of 2021, the European Commission presented a new proposal for the EU Generalised Scheme of Preference (GSP).

This a preferential tariff scheme offering developing countries reduced or suspended tariffs on their exports to the EU, promoting sustainable economic, social and environmental progress in those countries.

Why it's important

We support the EU’s GSP goal to offer easier access to the EU market for the poorest and most vulnerable developing countries.

At the same time it is important that the tool is well designed so that preferential tariffs do not negatively impact the competitiveness of EU metals sector.

What we are seeking

The upcoming new GSP is an opportunity to promote EU high standards of sustainability worldwide. It is important that: 

  • Sensitive metals products continue to receive a tariff reduction, under certain conditions
  • Emerging economies and those applying unfair trade practices are exempted from the GSP
  • Ratification of Paris Agreement is added as an eligibility condition.

Sounia Mourabit

Head of International Trade and Economy

+322 775 63 15

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